
Enhance protection from infection – Part2

Echinacea's active ingredients
The polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and flavonoids contained in Echinacea have the ability to enhance the immune system.
The immune system is a mechanism that protects the body from various viruses and pathogens that enter the body, and it is something that all living organisms have.
The mucous membranes of the throat and nose and the skin are the first to prevent viruses and pathogens from entering the body. Germs that cannot be prevented here are taken in by phagocytes in the bloodstream. If this does not prevent the bacteria, they are attacked by white blood cells.
Effects of Echinacea
Helps prevent colds and flu. As the old saying goes, "A cold is the source of all illnesses," a cold can cause various diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia if left untreated.
Echinacea has the abilities to boost the immune system and prevent infections such as colds and flu.

The polysaccharides contained in Echinacea activate macrophages (one of the immune cells classified as white blood cells) and enhance the function of the entire immune system.
Macrophages play two roles: one is to alert the entire immune system as soon as they detect a virus or pathogen entering the body, and the other is to take the virus or pathogen into the macrophage and sterilize it with enzymes.
In 1992, 108 people in Germany who were susceptible to colds and flu were treated with echinacea, and the frequency of colds; decreased by 36%.

  • 36% reduction in the frequency of colds
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Symptoms were alleviated

In addition,
Echinacea is not only effective in preventing colds and flu, but also in relieving headaches, sore throats, rhinitis, bronchitis, coughs and fevers. In general, Echinacea is effective when taken in the early stages of a cold or flu. process, it became clear that echinacea enhanced immune function and was useful in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases such as colds and flu.
Today, Echinacea is used as a medicine in Germany and as a supplement in the United States.

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免疫力強化! インフルエンザや風邪の予防! - Part2



マクロファージは体内に入ってきたウイルスや病原菌を発見すると、すぐに免疫系全体に警報を発揮する役目と、ウイルスや病原菌をマクロファージの中に取り込み、酵素で殺菌処理する2つの役目を担っています。 1992年、ドイツで風邪やインフルエンザに感染しやすい108人を対象にエキナセアを投与したところ、風邪をひく頻度が

  • 36%減少
  • 治るまでの期間が短縮
  • 症状が緩和



Enhance protection from infection – Part2

Coming soon!
