
About Iron – Part3

7. Swollen or Sore Tongue and Mouth
Changes to the mouth or tongue can be a sign of an iron deficit. If your tongue appears swollen, pale, inflamed, or oddly smooth, it could indicate a lack of iron in the bloodstream.
Other mouth symptoms include:
・A burning sensation in the mouth
・Dry mouth and lips
・Sores or cracks in the corners of the mouth
・Mouth ulcers
If you notice any change in your mouth or tongue, talk to your doctor.

8. Brittle Nails
Another less common symptom of anemia is brittle or fragile nails. A lack of oxygen-rich blood can also affect your fingernails.
Someone who’s iron deficient may notice their nails chipping and cracking easily. In severe cases, fingernails or toenails can take on a rounded appearance like a spoon.
This is a rare side effect of iron deficiency and is usually associated with severe cases of anemia.

9. Feeling Cold
If you find that you are cold all the time regardless of the temperature, it could be a symptom of anemia or iron deficiency. Your thyroid needs iron to function properly.
A lack of iron can wreak havoc on your thyroid and cause a variety of symptoms, including intolerance to cold. Eating an iron-rich diet or taking some form of iron supplementation can raise your iron levels and help regulate thyroid function.

The Signs of Iron Deficiency
If you think you may have an iron deficiency, talk to your doctor. The good news is there’s an easy blood test to detect it.
It’s important to understand why you’re iron deficient and identify the best ways to treat the condition. For many, an iron-rich diet, iron supplements, or iron patches are the perfect solution.
Before you go, be sure to take a look at our quality nutritional patches, created with your optimal health in mind.

This site does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. The content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the PatchMD website.

鉄分について - Part3

7. 舌や口が腫れたり痛んだりする

8. もろい爪
鉄分が不足している人は、爪が欠けたり割れたりしやすくなります。ひどい場合は、爪や足の爪がスプーンのように丸くなってしまうこともあります。 これは、鉄分不足によるまれな副作用で、通常は重度の貧血に伴うものです。

9. 寒気

鉄欠乏症の兆候について 鉄分が不足しているかもしれないと思ったら、医師に相談しましょう。鉄欠乏症は、簡単な血液検査で調べることができます。


About Iron – Part3

Coming soon!
